On January 20, 1976, the Ogle County Pilots, Inc. (OCPI) was started by a group of pilots who were in need of an airport. The present site was leased and an airport was built with all the infrastructure needed: a runway, lights, wind sock, beacon and a few hangars.
Since that time, the pilots bought the land and have paid for all improvements... and there have been many!!! Today the current members of OCPI have to continue to pay for all improvements with no assistance from public money. In order to have funds available for improvements and repairs, the pilots host fly-in breakfasts, conduct a monthly raffle drawing and corporate stock sales.
Since that time, the pilots bought the land and have paid for all improvements... and there have been many!!! Today the current members of OCPI have to continue to pay for all improvements with no assistance from public money. In order to have funds available for improvements and repairs, the pilots host fly-in breakfasts, conduct a monthly raffle drawing and corporate stock sales.